Sati Pasala or How to Practice Mindfulness

Sati Pasala introduction Program at Delvala Maha Vidyalaya, Delvala, Nivitigala

Sati Pasala introduction program was organized at Delvala Maha Vidyalaya, Delvala, Nivitigala on the 13th of June 2019. About 225 students from grade 6 to grade 11 participated and a separate program for 20 teachers was conducted. Key Mindful activities like Mindful Sitting, Mindful Listening, Mindful Standing, Mindful game and Mindful Eating was conducted to give the message of Mindfulness.
The following segments were covered during the session from 12.30 to 2 pm for students.

  • Understanding Mindfulness: Session began with an introduction to “Sathiya” and the importance of practicing Sathiya.
  • Guided Practice: Sessionstarted with mindful sitting and continued to mindful standing, then introduced mindful listening with a ringing bell. 
  • Mindful Activity: Asimple letterfromSinhala alphabetwasgiven to the leader of each group and asked to write the given letter on the back of the front child in the circle. Children have recognized the benefit of mindfulness through this game as it was very helpful to recognize the letter from observing the feeling.  
  • Mindful eating was practiced at the end of the session.
  • Children’s experience was shared with Sati Pasala facilitators after each practice. 

 The following segments covered during the session from 2.15 to 4.15 pm for teachers.

  • Understanding Mindfulness: Session began with an introduction to “Sathiya” and the importance of practicing Sathiya.
  • Guided Practice: Session started with Mindful sitting and continued to mindful walking. Then together we made mind jar and experienced how the mind jar is helpful to calm the busy mind.
  • Mindful Activity: Made paper strips. Introduced different ways to use paper strips.
  • Shared their experience and had a discussion about how to use mindfulness in school time such as ringing bell and mind jar when changing from one lesson to the next.

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