Sati Pasala or How to Practice Mindfulness

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Question and Answers

What is Sati Pasala?
Sati Pasala is our volunteer movement which facilitates/ teaches the practice of mindfulness from school children to adults across the country and around the world.

Why Sati Pasala?
Sati Pasala is free from ethnic, religious and political dimensions, and promotes unity and harmony amongst all communities and people adhering to the least frictional path.

How can I join Sati Pasala?
You can join us and be a part of our noble efforts in many ways, please visit “Get Involved”

What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness’ is usually defined as the ability of bringing our bare attention on purpose, to the present moment, non-judgmentally.

Why Mindfulness?
People are usually unmindful, leading a hectic lifestyle with stress. Scientific research has found that the human mind is 47% of the time unmindful during any given day.
Often, we are unaware of what we are presently engaged in, our thoughts or activities, rather our minds wander along time in to the past and future. This makes us lose the the present moment we live in, thereby the present is rejected often. Being aware of the present can make us give our best or 100% to the present engagement, which increases the accuracy and overall contentment.

How can I practice Mindfulness?
Mindfulness can be practiced once you get the proper guidance. Please visit “Beginner’s Guide”

What are the benefits of Mindfulness?
Mindfulness helps our minds to slow down and relax, thereby,

  • Improved level of focus and memory
  • Improved school grades and examination performance
  • Reduced level of stress
  • Improved empathy
  • Improved efficiency
  • Resilience

Overall, positive attitude and contentment towards life.

What are the regular programs of Sati Pasala?  How do I join a virtual program?
Due to the COVID 19 Lockdown and travel restrictions, Sati Pasala currently carries out mindfulness programs in the virtual context as below,

  • Kids/Children’s programs
  • Youth Programs
  • Adults programs
  • Adults Meditation Retreats
  • Teachers’ Programs

For more information, please visit “Ongoing Virtual Programs“ and get relevant zoom link details and time of the relevant program you wish to join.

How do I request for a program?
Please visit “Request a Program“ in the Home page . 

What is the minimum age to join Sati Pasala?
Programs are introduced for age 6+. (Some children aged 4 + are capable of joining certain mindful activities.)

How can I make monetary contributions to Sati Pasala?
Please visit  “Contribute” in the Home page for more information.