Sati Pasala or How to Practice Mindfulness

Sati Pasala awareness program conducted at SUDARMA VIDYALAYA, Galle

As the first step of creating awareness that Sati Pasala is a secular program, we were delighted to have had the opportunity to conduct an awareness program to Sudarma Vidayalaya, Galle on the 31st October 2017. This is a Sinhala Muslim mixed provincial school. Both parents & teachers from these two communities were invited to attend this program.
The principal Ms.K.Nandanee Asoka gave us tremendous support to implement the program. This initiative taken by him is truly commendable.

The program was very well received by all, so much so that an immediate invitation was extended to the facilitators to conduct similar programs for the students.

It is interesting to note that one of the Muslim parents had been so impressed by the program, due to the far reaching benefits of the practice of mindfulness, that he had earnestly requested the facilitators to repeat the set of instructions to him, soon after the completion of the program.

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